An unmatched lifestyle in the heart of Diriyah

An unmatched lifestyle in the heart of Diriyah

Discover a different way of living


Delivered by Ritz-Carlton, a brand synonymous with exceptional living, the Kingdom’s first branded residential community features exquisitely designed homes with top-tier amenities and unmatched services and benefits.

Property typesVilla
Bedrooms3, 4, 5
Interior design options3


Lounge & workspaces

Outdoor social areas



Childrens’ play area


Neighborhood café

Swimming pool


The light Najdi option subtly references authentic Najdi design and philosophy, while simultaneously introducing clean lines and a lighter palette for a fresh, modern feel that celebrates both the old and the new.

Courtyard Villa 1

5 Bedrooms - 841sqm

Courtyard Villa 2

4 Bedrooms - 830sqm

Villa Type 1

3 Bedrooms - 452sqm

Villa Type 2

3 Bedrooms - 414sqm

Villa Type 3

3 Bedrooms - 342sqm

Villa Type 4

3 Bedrooms - 325sqm

An oasis of comfort living

The Ritz-Carlton Residences redefine quality-of-life with an unmatched offering of amenities and services.

Focusing on wellbeing, they are equipped with state-of-the-art fitness facilities and for those seeking relaxation, the residents’ lounge offers a serene retreat to socialize with neighbors all within a few minutes' walk from home.

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The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Diriyah are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates ("Ritz-Carlton"). Diriyah Gate Company Limited uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under a license from Ritz-Carlton, which has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or representations made herein.

Take your first step by reaching out to our sales team